To integrate with AWIN, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for an account: If you haven’t already, sign up for an account. This will give you access to the payment gateway and the necessary API keys.
  2. Obtain API keys from Login to your account, navigate to “Account” > “API Login ID and Transaction Key,” and generate new API keys. You’ll need these keys for the integration.
  3. Login to your AWIN account: Login to your AWIN account, navigate to “Settings” > “Payment,” and select as the payment method.
  4. Configure the integration: Enter your API login ID and transaction key into the appropriate fields in the AWIN configuration screen. You can also set your preferred currency and configure other settings, such as payment notifications and receipt printing.
  5. Test the integration: Test the integration by making a test transaction in the AWIN sandbox environment. This will help you confirm that the integration is working correctly before you start accepting live payments.

Note: The steps for integrating with AWIN may be different based on your specific setup and the version of the platform you are using. It is always recommended to consult the official documentation or support resources for the most accurate information.