The Verifone VX 680 is a wireless, portable payment device that facilitates quick and secure transactions on the go. It is designed primarily for mobile merchants, who need to accept payments from customers in different locations. It is compact, lightweight and easy to use, making it an ideal choice for small businesses, delivery services, and other mobile sellers.

The Verifone VX 680 works by connecting wirelessly to a merchant account via a secure network. It supports various payment types, including EMV chip cards, magnetic stripe cards, and NFC-enabled mobile payments like Apple Pay and Google Wallet. It uses advanced encryption techniques to ensure that all transactions are safe and secure. It also has a built-in printer, which allows merchants to print receipts for customers on the spot.

The main features of the Verifone VX 680 are:

1. Portable design: The compact, lightweight design of the device makes it easy to carry around and accept payments on the go.

2. Wireless connectivity: The device connects wirelessly to a merchant account via a secure network, allowing payments to be made from anywhere.

3. Multiple payment types: It supports multiple payment types, including EMV chip cards, magnetic stripe cards, and NFC-enabled mobile payments.

4. Secure transactions: The device uses advanced encryption techniques to ensure that all transactions are safe and secure.

5. Built-in printer: The integrated printer allows merchants to print receipts for customers on the spot.

6. Long battery life: The device has a long battery life, allowing merchants to accept payments all day without needing to recharge.

7. Easy to use: The device has a user-friendly interface, making it easy for anyone to use.

The pros of the Verifone VX 680 are:

1. Portable design: The device is easy to carry around, making it convenient for mobile merchants.

2. Multiple payment types: It supports multiple payment types, which allows merchants to accept payments from a wide range of customers.

3. Secure transactions: The device uses advanced encryption techniques to ensure that all transactions are secure.

4. Built-in printer: The integrated printer makes it easy for merchants to provide receipts to customers.

5. Long battery life: The device has a long battery life, allowing it to be used all day without needing to be recharged.

The cons of the Verifone VX 680 are:

1. Cost: The device can be expensive for small businesses, especially those that only accept payments occasionally.

2. Limited connectivity: The device relies on wireless connectivity, which may not be available in all locations.

3. Limited range: The device has a limited range, which means that it cannot be used to accept payments from long distances.

4. Small display: The device has a small display, which may be difficult for some users to read.

The Verifone VX 680 is a portable payment device designed for mobile merchants. Its main features include wireless connectivity, multiple payment types, secure transactions, a built-in printer, and long battery life. While it has several advantages, the device can be expensive, has limited connectivity, a limited range, and a small display. Overall, it is a convenient and secure option for mobile merchants looking to accept payments on the go.
