Integrating X-Cart with is a straightforward process. Here are the steps to integrate X-Cart with

  1. Log in to your X-Cart account and navigate to the “Payment methods” section.
  2. Click on “Add payment method” and select “” from the list of payment methods.
  3. Enter your login ID and transaction key, which you can find in your account under Account > Settings > API Credentials & Keys.
  4. Choose whether to enable the test mode for testing payments or disable it for live transactions.
  5. Select the payment card types you want to accept, such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, etc.
  6. Configure any additional settings, such as fraud detection, payment capture, and transaction mode.
  7. Save your settings and test the payment method to ensure it is working correctly.

Once you have integrated with X-Cart, customers will be able to select this payment method during checkout and pay securely using their credit or debit card. X-Cart will process the payment and update the order status accordingly, making it easy for you to manage orders and fulfill customer orders.