Kajabi can be considered as an ecommerce platform as it provides businesses with a comprehensive set of tools to create, market, and sell digital products such as online courses, memberships, and webinars. Kajabi allows businesses to create and sell their own digital products and deliver them through the platform, it also provides built-in payment processing and customizable checkout features. It also includes features like email marketing, website building, analytics and CRM capabilities, which are commonly found in ecommerce platforms. Kajabi’s main focus is to help entrepreneurs and businesses to create, market and sell their digital products, and automate and scale their online business.

Kajabi is an all-in-one platform that helps entrepreneurs and businesses create, market, and sell online courses, memberships, and digital products. It is a platform that provides tools to create landing pages, email marketing, video hosting, membership sites, and more. Kajabi’s goal is to help businesses automate and scale their online course, membership and digital product business.

Some of the key features of Kajabi include:

  • Website and landing page builder
  • Email marketing and automation
  • Course and membership site creation
  • Digital product delivery and management
  • Built-in payment processing
  • CRM and analytics capabilities
  • Video hosting and live streaming
  • Customizable checkout and order bump

Kajabi allows business owners to create and sell their own digital products like courses, memberships, and webinars, and deliver them through the platform, without having to worry about technical issues or hosting. It also provides tools for email marketing, website building and analytics, which helps businesses to track and understand their audience better.

Kajabi integrates with several payment gateways to process payments for digital products, courses, and memberships. Some of the popular payment gateways that Kajabi integrates with include:

  • Stripe
  • PayPal
  • Authorize.net
  • Square
  • Braintree
  • 2Checkout
  • First Data
  • and many more

It is always recommended to check on Kajabi’s official website or with their support team to confirm the list of available payment gateways that Kajabi integrates with. Some payment gateways may vary depending on the location and the e-commerce platform you are using, and there might be additional fees, or limitations on certain payment gateways. Please note that Kajabi also has its own built-in payment processing, which allows you to receive payments without the need for a payment gateway.
