Payments Authorization: A payment authorization is a process in which a merchant (business) verifies if a customer’s payment method, such as a credit or debit card, has sufficient funds and is valid for the intended transaction. This process is done to ensure that the customer’s payment method can cover the cost of the purchase before the transaction is finalized. Payment authorizations are a common step in the payment processing flow, especially for card-based transactions.

How Payment Authorization Works:

  1. Initiation: When a customer makes a purchase, the merchant sends a request to the payment processor to authorize the transaction.
  2. Verification: The payment processor communicates with the cardholder’s issuing bank to check if the card is valid, the account has sufficient funds, and there are no holds or restrictions on the card.
  3. Response: The issuing bank sends a response to the payment processor, either approving or declining the authorization request.
  4. Notification: The payment processor informs the merchant of the result. If approved, the merchant can proceed with the transaction. If declined, the transaction is usually canceled.
  5. Hold: If the authorization is successful, the cardholder’s available credit or funds are temporarily reserved (put on hold) to ensure they are available when the transaction is completed.

Why Payment Authorization Appears on a Credit Card Statement: A payment authorization appears on a credit card statement as a pending transaction. This happens when the merchant requests an authorization, and the issuing bank places a temporary hold on the cardholder’s available funds or credit limit. This hold ensures that the funds needed for the transaction are set aside and unavailable for other spending until the transaction is finalized.

Reasons for Businesses to Perform Payment Authorizations:

  1. Preventing Fraud: Payment authorizations help businesses identify potentially fraudulent transactions before goods or services are provided.
  2. Funds Availability: Businesses can ensure that the customer’s payment method has sufficient funds to cover the transaction.
  3. Order Confirmation: Payment authorizations provide an initial confirmation to the customer that their payment is valid and the transaction is on track.
  4. Inventory Management: In cases of physical goods, payment authorizations allow businesses to reserve items in stock for the customer.

Pros and Cons of Payment Authorizations:


  1. Fraud Prevention: Payment authorizations reduce the risk of chargebacks and losses due to fraudulent transactions.
  2. Customer Confidence: Customers receive an initial confirmation that their payment method is valid and their purchase is proceeding.
  3. Inventory Control: For businesses with limited inventory, payment authorizations can help manage stock availability.
  4. Smooth Checkout: Integrating payment authorization processes can lead to smoother and quicker checkout experiences.


  1. Inconvenience: Holds on funds can tie up a portion of the customer’s credit limit or available funds temporarily, affecting their spending capacity.
  2. Potential Declines: In some cases, legitimate transactions might be declined due to various factors, causing customer frustration.
  3. Processing Delay: The authorization process adds a step to the payment process, which might slightly delay transaction completion.
  4. Customer Experience: If not handled properly, payment authorizations can lead to misunderstandings or customer dissatisfaction.

In summary, payment authorizations are a vital part of the payment processing ecosystem, helping businesses ensure the validity of transactions and prevent fraud. However, they can also impact the customer experience and require careful management to strike the right balance between security and convenience.
