Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC)

Dynamic Currency Conversion (DCC) is a service offered in the payments industry that allows customers to make purchases in their own currency when using a payment card abroad. It [...]

Disputed Transaction

In the payments industry, a disputed transaction refers to a situation where a cardholder or customer questions the validity, accuracy, or integrity of a specific transaction made with their [...]

Device Fingerprint

In the payments industry, a device fingerprint refers to a unique identifier generated from various attributes and characteristics of a device used for a payment transaction. It helps in [...]

Decline Codes

In the payments industry, decline codes are specific codes provided by the issuing bank or card association when a payment transaction is declined. These codes indicate the reason for [...]

Currency Conversion

In the payments industry, currency conversion refers to the process of converting one currency into another when conducting a financial transaction. It is commonly used when a customer makes [...]

Code 10 Authorization

In the payments industry, a Code 10 Authorization refers to a specific type of authorization request made by a merchant to the card issuer when there is suspicion of [...]

Chargeback Threshold

In the payments industry, a chargeback threshold refers to the predetermined level of chargebacks that a merchant or payment processor can tolerate before certain actions or consequences are triggered. [...]

Chargeback Arbitration

Chargeback arbitration, also known as second chargeback or representment, is a process within the payments industry that occurs when a merchant disputes a chargeback initiated by a customer. It [...]

Cash Disbursement

In the payments industry, Cash Disbursement refers to the process of distributing cash payments to individuals or entities. It typically involves the issuance of physical currency, such as banknotes [...]

Cash Back Debit Transaction

n the payments industry, a Cash Back Debit Transaction refers to a type of transaction where a customer can receive cash in addition to making a purchase using their [...]

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